Episode 32
In this episode of The Write Idea Workshop, our heroes embark on a Writing Challenge marathon set to some fantastic, inspirational music. The guys also talk about inspiration, Goodwill Reads and some things they're trying in order to be a little more social. This episode features music by:
Against Me! - F*ckMyLife66
Dan LeSac vs. Scroobious Pip - Introdiction
Monoliths - I'm Going Through Some Sh*t
Speaker For The Dead - If You're Dead Please Raise Your Hand
and as always, Jac Kincaid does the theme music. Check out his book(s) on Amazon and listen to The Urethras!
*The Write Idea Workshop is a non-profit writing group that really just likes these songs and wants to support the artists by putting their music out there. Please go buy music from these bands!