Greetings from the ever-shifting plane-scape of my life.
101 Andersons, in all her glory, sitting ready to podcast.
These are some tumultuous times. Personally, politically, socio-economically. A lot of things are going on and a lot of them aren’t fun. Currently, I’m treating my very sick and beloved cat, 101, as she battles liver cancer. I’m also being moved out of a space I’ve lived in for about eight years, and am being crammed into a much smaller environment for the next month or so. I’m changing jobs after over 4 years of being with a company that, for a while, I thought I’d stick with until I retired. My friends just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, and I am so incredibly happy for them. Change is the only constant.
I would really like to make some changes here. I haven’t been using this space much, and I really should. I hope to focus on doing some of that this week, in the time I have before my new job begins. Here’s hoping I’ll be able to do that.