High-fives and salutations!
Just wanted to let you fine ladies, gents, vegetables and minerals know that The Write Idea Workshop now has it's very own tumblr! Muchos thanks to Morgan Melsert for suggesting we get one.
As of right this very moment, we're not entirely sure what precisely we'll be posting to the tumblr that we won't be posting here. In all likelihood, we'll probably be posting writing challenges, old episodes (like the first 15) and some other nifty things that people generally look to a tumblr to find.
Additional update!
As you may or may not have noticed above our links to social media, we've recently added a DONATE PLEASE button. We've joked for quite a while about having a donate button, but now here it is! If you click on the Donate Button, a few options should come up. We've listed some suggested donation amounts, with titles of what those donations will carry with them, or what they'll support. There are several Funds listed, like the Help Buy Another Mic fund, or the Self Publishing Fund, as well as some lesser values like just Help Support the Site. Any and all contributions will be insanely appreciated and those who donate will get verbal (and possibly physical) high-fives, in addition to any prize or gratuity listed with the donation.
As always, thank you all so much for listening to The Write Idea Workshop and we hope you all enjoy Episode 40, which will be up either tomorrow (Saturday, May 17th 2014) or the next day.
Keep writing!